Wildflowers and Tumbleweeds

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Life with a Dachshund

If you have a dachshund you will understand. If you know you know

This is my bestie Gretta Bean, she got that nick name because she was like a coffee bean, right color, right size and full of zip! We mostly just call her Bean now. This is her new “baby” that she is fiercely protective of and has to have it near her at all times. Well, until she rips it’s guts out in about a week. Then she will carry it around limp and de-stuffed for another week or so. She takes it to bed with her, and carries it from room to room and gets really upset if the other dogs try to touch it. Dachshunds are one of a kind! Hard to understand the extent of their quirkiness until you live with it! We couldn’t love her more!