jennifer McLeod jennifer McLeod

Homesteading Why’s… Is this Your Season to loosen the Reins or Tighten Them up?

Homesteading why’s. What does your health have to do with it?

LIving a “simple” life is not always the easy life. Wouldn’t it be easier to just buy the processed foods that are on the shelf in the grocery store and eat and live like the majority of the country does? The time that it takes to grow your own food, to preserve it and prepare it. I sometimes think that our whole life revolves around food! Well it kinda does.

Maybe that’s nourishment, maybe that’s food for our soul, maybe they’re one in the same. Growing your own food puts a whole different connection to what we eat and how it heals our body and soul. Connecting us to nature and the earth. Understanding that God has a plan for each of us and accepting the challenges.

Accepting the challenges and the hard work to make it possible to nourish our bodies in a way that builds and heals, rather than fills us with harmful ingredients and pesticides. Let’s just say it’s not for the faint of heart. Since I left my full time job a few years back, I have never worked harder in my life! Growing, preserving, learning, managing and physical labor.

My daughter and I were having a conversation the other day about what makes people stick with this way of life. We have watched many that seem like they have strong opinions, loosing up about their convictions. Especially when they have a passel of kids to feed! Our conclusion was that it is really hard work, and it takes so much time and effort to feed everyone and keep up with all the activities. It is a full time job, people are busy and most need to go to work outside the home.

There are seasons in life, some busier than others. Sometimes we have to make choices about how to manage our time to accomplish what we need to do. That might mean buying the can of tomatoes or box of pasta rather than canning the tomatoes for the year from the garden or making the fresh pasta with ingredients that you trust. Maybe you can choose to spend the extra to buy the ones you know are the better choice for your health.

For me, health started our food and homestead journey. Starting with some pretty severe food allergies that popped up out of nowhere. As I now know can happen with the onset of autoimmune disorders. Which in turn can come from a life of eating foods and living with chemicals around us that can harm our bodies.

Until you reach that moment in life when its a do or die situation. When your body actually tells you “No More!” Until then you may or may not choose that box of pasta depending on the day. Depending on your schedule and your season in life.

Seasons change and morph into the next. If you are in one of those seasons where it’s hard to find the motivation and time, hopefully you can choose healthy. Choose good ingredients, and foods that heal your body rather than harm. Eat Clean, and get through and know that the next season will come and you can morph back into what you know helps your body and soul. Do the research on what goes into commercially grown foods and find a small farmer if you can. Maybe you can’t nail it this season, but maybe next season you do better. Your body will thank you later!

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