Wildflowers and Tumbleweeds

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The Feeling That Spring May Never Arrive

The Feeling That Spring May Never Arrive

March 10th and yet another day of snow…

The wind is blowing, the flakes are flying sideways and then changing its mind and twisting and blowing the other direction.

And yet I’m choosing to be thankful for the temperature because it hasn’t dropped down so very low. This morning is a mild 34 degrees. Yet the wind certainly has a bite to it.

My only peace is in knowing that it will only last for a day or two and the sun will eventually come.

As slow as the spring is arriving, maybe it’s just a last moment to breath deep before the busy season arrives.

Take the moment and breath in this last bit of the slow season. The rush of spring on the farm will hit very soon and you won’t have a spare moment to look back.